EWRS Working Group:
Weed Vegetation and Biodiversity
Arable Weeds and Management in Europe (AWME): A database of weed survey data from across Europe
The AWME database contains weed vegetation survey data from across Europe. We are now accepting requests for data from AWME as well as the submission of additional datasets into the database.
AWME is a database of primary arable weed vegetation records from across Europe. The database currently contains 273650 occurrence records each comprising a list of species found on a plot from an arable field.
Since its inception in 2019 by the Weeds and Biodiversity working group of the EWRS the database has grown considerably and we are now able to accept requests for access to data as well as the submission of new datasets into the database.
Requesting access to data
The data within AWME are available on request. The purpose of the AWME database is to facilitate the further use of these data for research.
Researchers who would like to use the AWME data should submit a proposal to the coordination group describing the aims, basic methods and an approximate delineation of the dataset they would require.
Please be aware that the various datasets within AWME are subject to one of three data availability regimes and so some data may be unavailable to some users. The conditions of use for AWME must also be agreed upon prior to the release of any data.
Submission of new data
We welcome and encourage new data submissions to the AWME database. In the first instance, please refer to our protocols for submission or contact Helen Metcalfe directly to discuss the suitability of your dataset for submission and to familiarise yourself with the various data availability regimes available.
The AWME dataset is managed by a governing group and governed by a set of rules agreed upon by all data contributors and interested parties present at a meeting of the weeds and biodiversity working group of the EWRS on 22nd November 2021. A meeting is held yearly to discuss any issues relating to AWME. All dataset contributors are invited to attend these meetings and any updates to the rules will be voted on accordingly.
Governing group:
The governing group currently responsible for AWME would be happy to answer any of your questions
Helen Metcalfe, Rothamsted Research, Helen.metcalfe@rothamsted.ac.uk
Guillaume Fried, ANSES, guillaume.fried@anses.fr
Jana Bürger, Rostock University, jana.buerger@uni-rostock.de