EWRS Working Group:
Soil Seed Bank, Germination and Early Growth
WG Leader

Aritz Royo Esnal
University of Lleida
Hortofruticuolture, Botany and Gardening, LLEIDA, Spain
Aritz Royo Esnal
Where do you work?
I work at the Weed Science and Plant Ecology research group of the University of Lleida.
What is your main task?
I basically have three main tasks: Education, giving lectures of Botany in Agronomical and Forest Engineering, and Weed Science for Agronomic Engineering; Research on different aspects of weed science; and Transference, transferring the knowledge acquired in our research to different companies.
What is your main interest in weed research?
Which activities do you plan to promote to reach the objectives of the Working Group?
I would like to continue with the periodical meetings, at least one every two years, with intermediate online meetings, in order to advance in the organization, analysis and discussion of common experiments. Because of common interests with other Working Groups, I would like to promote the cooperation with these (i.e. Weed Vegetation and Biodiversity, Invasive Alien Plants). Finally, it is my wish to apply for a collaborative project with the participation of the members of the WG so that we can obtain funding and advance in our common research.