EWRS Workshop "Sustainable Weed Management in Mediterranean Cropping Systems"

3-days-Workshop of the EWRS WGs "Weed Management in Mediterranean Cropping Systems” and “Herbicide Resistance”

Antalya, Turkey, 4th to 6th of December 2024

The workshop is aiming to review the different strategies of weed control in order to mitigate the evolution of weed resistance to herbicides and improve the cropping systems sustainability

The EWRS Working groups “Weed Management in Mediterranean Cropping Systems” and “Herbicide Resistance” are organizing a 3-days workshop in December 2024 (4th to 6th).
The workshop is aiming to review the different strategies of weed control in order to mitigate the evolution of weed resistance evolution to herbicides and improve the cropping systems sustainability. The course is aimed at students, Ph.D. candidates, as well as established scientists. 
Despite the workshop focuses specially on herbicide resistance in the Mediterranean Area, researchers working with resistance and its management in other parts of Europe are also warmly welcome.
The workshop will be divided in 5 parts:
  1. An introduction on the status of weed control in the Mediterranean Area (Keynote speaker).
  2. A series of presentations selected from the participants’ abstracts.
  3. A sessions of posters selected from the participants’ abstracts.
  4. Discussions by groups on selected topics.
  5. A conclusion discussion aiming to select the frame to write a review article which will be submitted to Weed Research.

In addition a half day excursion is planned to allow informal discussions.


To be announced

Date of the workshop 

4th of December – 6th of December 2024


The course will take place at the Concorde de Luxe Hotel, Antalya (Turkey). The hotel is located 10 km from Antalya airport and can be easily reached with a 15-minute drive by taxi. 

Course Organizers

Prof. Dr. Hüsrev Mennan (Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey)
Dr. Maor Matzrafi (Agricultural Research Organization - Volcani Institute, Israel)
Dr. Roland Beffa (Senior scientist consultant, Germany)
Dr. Katerina Hamouzova (University of Praha, Czech Republic)
Dr. Alicia Cirujeda (CITA, Saragossa, Spain)

Local Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Hüsrev Mennan
Ondokuz Mayis University, Plant Protection
55139 SAMSUN, Turkey
E-mail: hmennan@omu.edu.tr 


Accommodation is also offered in the Concorde de Luxe Hotel. Accommodation costs for 4 nights (check-in 3rd of December, check-out 7th of December) including all meals and beverages: for accommodation in a single room, participants will have to pay a cost of 170 € per night; in a double room it will be a total cost of 200€ per night (100 per night and person), a triple room has the cost of 270€ per night (90 per night and person).

Fees and costs

There is no fee to attend the workshop which will be limited to a maximum of 40 attendees. 

Travel grants are offered for young scientists (i.e. Master-students, PhD-students and scientists younger than 35 years of age at the starting day of the Workshop, who have not previously received a subsidy more than 3 times to participate in the EWRS events and who submitted a poster or oral presentation for the event). The grant will refund part of their travel expenses. Travel grants can be applied for by sending an e-mail to Husrev Mennan (hmennan@omu.edu.tr), Maor Matzrafi (maorm@volcani.agri.gov.il) and Roland Beffa (roland.beffa@t-online.de) not later than 30th  September 2024. Please make sure to get a confirmation email your application.

The maximum amount of the travel refund cannot exceed 500 Euros. If the applicant is not an EWRS-member, an amount equal to the yearly EWRS fee (€30 for students and €60 for regular members) will be deducted from the subsidy, and the applicant will be enrolled in EWRS for a year.

Applications for the travel grant need to include in their e-mail:

  • A short motivation letter (limited to one page).
  • A brief curriculum vitae (limited to one page).
  • An estimate of the costs for travel and accommodation.
  • A statement from the home institute/supervisor that they will cover the remainder of the expenses for travel and accommodation, should the travel grant be awarded.

Successful applicants will be informed about the allocation of subsidy by the organizers in due time. The EWRS does not provide the subsidy in advance. Travel expenses will be reimbursed to subsidiaries by bank transfer after active participation in the workshop. Details on reimbursements and declaration forms will be provided later on by the EWRS Treasurer. 


Please send your registration information by e-mail to Katerina Hamouzova (hamouzova@af.czu.cz) and Alicia Cirujeda (acirujeda@aragon.es), until 30th September 2024, including the application form and the abstract form. The abstract is limited to max. 300 words. Participants applying for the travel grants should also attach the above-mentioned documents.

Download application form

Download Abstract Submission form