EWRS Working Group:
Biological Control
WG Deputy

Philip Sebastian Richard Weyl
Delémont, Switzerland
Philip Sebastian Richard Weyl
Where do you work?
I work at the Swiss centre of CABI, an international, intergovernmental, not-for-profit organization.
What is your main task?
I lead the Weed Biological Control Team at the Swiss centre and undertake research in the field of weed biological control.
What is your main interest in weed research?
As an entomologist I focus on assessing the suitability and safety of insects as classical biological control agents for invasive plant species. I am particularly interested in how climate affects the efficacy of biological control agents and impacts on successful control. I am also interested in how to deal with issues around access and benefit sharing under the Nagoya protocol and how to promote biological control of invasive plants worldwide.
Which activities do you plan to promote to reach the objectives of the Working Group?
It is planned to
- hold biannual meetings of the working group and/or workshops, where possible in conjunction with scientific conferences;
- engage with other EWRS WG through discussion of topics of joint interest and joint meetings;
- identify opportunities for the working group to engage in the promotion of biocontrol at the European level and the regulatory process concerning biocontrol agents;
- promote the working group with the international community of biocontrol scientists and private industry;
- identify and provide training opportunities for young scientists;
- pursue joint project proposals in the field of biological control of invasive plant species at the European level;
- support the submission of joint papers with particularly focus on “Weed Research”