New EWRS webinar series: “Key Skills in Weed Science”

The EWRS Working Group Education and Training is happy to announce the webinar “How to read a scientific paper” given by Dr Dana MacGregor from Rothamsted Research (UK) on November 21st, from 3 to 4.30 pm (CET):

We all know that as scientists we ought to read papers within and beyond our own specialisms. But what does “read papers” really mean? Why is it so important? And with workloads that often outweigh the time available, how can you read scientific literature efficiently and effectively? If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions, then join us for this seminar where we will demystify what “reading papers” means.

You will gain practical tips on how efficiently extract the valuable information buried within scientific literature and use it to your advantage. Armed with this knowledge you will also write better papers. Once you understand the purpose of each section, you can help your readers (as well as those all-important reviewers and editors) efficiently get the answers they seek.

If this sounds useful, set aside 1.5 hours, bring plenty of questions, and be ready to join in the discussion. The webinar is open to all EWRS student members.

If you are interested and have not recieved the invitation email, please contact

Also EWRS members that are no students any more are very welcome.

This webinar will be the first of a new webinar series “Key Skills in Weed Science”. These webinars will provide advice, skills, and resources that will help you succeed efficiently and effectively in a career in weed science or related disciplines. The next webinar titles and dates will be announced shortly.

The webinar is for EWRS members and you will need to register in advance, the link will be sent soon to all EWRS student members.
