Call for application for EWRS travel grants for bi-lateral cooperation 2024

Call for application for EWRS travel grants for bi-lateral cooperation 2024

Purpose: The EWRS Travel grants for bi-lateral cooperation will enable an opportunity for students and early career scientists for a short-term visit (from min. 3 weeks to 3 months) to a lab of another EWRS member.

Application Deadline: Lena Ulber (, Aleksandra Savic ( and Maor Matzrafi ( must receive applications by June 30, 2024. Please put “EWRS Travel grants for bi-lateral cooperation” in the subject line.

Description of travel grant: Travel grant recipients will be provided with a travel grant to visit a lab/research group of their choice for conducting joined experiments or learning new skills or techniques. Each recipient will receive max. 2.000 Euros from the EWRS to pay for his/her
expenses (travel and accommodation).

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Enrolled as a current degree-seeking student (M.Sc. or Ph.D.) at an accredited university
  2. Currently conducting research in weed science
  3. Be an active member of the EWRS at the time of application
  4. Prepare a short report after the cooperation that will be published on the EWRS website and newsletter (specifics will be provided directly to recipients)
  5. Any publication resulting from the cooperation needs to be first submitted to Weed Research

Application Procedure: Submission of the following information as a single PDF file is preferred, but not required:

  1. Cover letter describing the applicant’s interest in weed science and the travel grant for bi-lateral cooperation (< 1 page)
  2. Description of the project to be conducted at the host institution (background, aim, methods, expected outcome; max. 4 pages)
  3. Brief CV (< 1 page)
  4. Two letters of support, one of the applicant’s supervisor and one from the host supervisor
  5. Estimation of the travel budget (travel and accommodation)
  6. Academic transcripts (unofficial copy is acceptable)

Selection Criteria and Process: Applicants will be evaluated based on the contribution of their research to the discipline of weed science and the EWRS objectives, their academic record, and their potential contributions to the future of weed science. Three students from within the EWRS region will be selected by the EWRS SciCom. If there are any personal or advisory affiliations of a SciCom member with the applicants, the SciCom member will be excluded from the election committee.

The selection process will be completed by July 15, 2023. Recipients of the travel grant and their host(s) will determine the date in 2024/25 for the experience to occur. Students need to travel to the hosting labs within the next 12 months starting from the date of acceptance.
