The WG Meeting "Sustainable Weed Management in Mediterranean Cropping Systems" from 4th to 6th December in Antalya, Turkey
The workshop "Sustainable Weed Management in Mediterranean Cropping Systems" has been organized by two WGs: "Weed management in Mediterranean Cropping Systems" and "Herbicide Resistance". During 3 days (4th to 6th December 2024) around 30 persons from Europe and also from other countries (Morocco, India, Chile) have participated in this meeting.
The first day we attended four on-line presentations, the rest was face-to face. Also the poster presentations were exposed orally, so that a lot of questions and comments were done on all the presented communications.
Several herbicide resistance problems were described in many species as well as the ways to delay and control these populations using herbicides. Also integrated weed control methods combining several cultural methods such as living cover crops, rotations and with mulches combined with herbicide use were exposed aiming to reduce weed problems.
In a visit to the nearby reserach center BATEM we learned about several aromatic and medicinal crops and its selection and visited the facilities with laboratories and greenhouses.
The participants had fluent conversations and exchanges and the presentations were all of high quality, so that we all learned a lot. Thank you for all the participants and organizers!
Text and Photos by Alicia Cirujeda, WG Group photo: Husrev Mennan
You can download the proceedings from the "documents" pages of the two working groups.