Workshop of the WG 'Weed Vegetation and Biodiversity'

Invitation to the 1st meeting

Prague, Czech Republic, 10th to 12th of May 2023

The first WG event after the merging of the EWRS Working Groups 'Weeds and Biodiversity' and 'Weed Mapping'.


Prague, Czech Republic, 10th to 12th of May 2023

The Working Group 'Weed Vegetation and Biodiversity' is organizing this workshop with the Department of Agroecology and Biometeorology of the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources of the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic, and by the Group Functional Diversity of Insects and Plants in Agroecosystems of the Crop Research Institute.

The aim of this meeting is an exchange of current research results and knowledge about documenting population dynamics and regional weed changes, determining the relative importance of abiotic, biotic and management factors influencing the composition, diversity, abundance and damage potential of arable plant communities and identifying and quantifying the benefits of arable biodiversity. The meeting includes an excursion to a nearby farm growing among others the traditional Czech crops hop and poppy.

The major topics are:
  • Rare arable weeds: distribution, conservation, promotion and impact
  • Ecosystem services of weeds
  • Weed seed predation and biotic interactions in agroecosystems
  • Weed surveys and databases
  • Weed diversity and abiotic, biotic and management factors
The scientific program is not limited to these topics, please feel free to submit any research associated with weed vegetation and biodiversity. We look forward to receiving your contributions and hope to meet you all in Prague!



  EWRS member Non-member
Regular 100 Euro 160 Euro
Student (MSc-PhD) 60 Euro 90 Euro
EWRS offers Travel grants for young scientists, please find all information in the PDF in the link below.

Please DOWNLOAD HERE ALL FURTHER INFORMATIONS on the programme, location, costs and travel grants.


1st December, 2022

Abstract submission open via EWRS website:

PLEASE USE THE "CONTRIBUTIONS" BUTTON to submit your abstract.

Registration will open only by March 1st, 2023 so you won't be able to register until that date.

=> EXTENDED DEADLINE 19th February, 2023

Deadline for abstract submission.
Deadline for student application for travel grants to

1 March, 2023

Registration open via EWRS website

15 April, 2023 => extended until 22 April 2023

Deadline for registration and payment of registration fee. 
Second circular containing provisional scientific programme and more detailed information related to organisation of the meeting

Abstract submission template

Please download the template HERE (word) or in PDF.

Payment instructions

Please do a bank tranfer to one of the following bank accounts:

  • IBAN: CZ38 0800 0000 0005 0002 2222 (CZK)
  • IBAN: CZ91 0800 0010 4600 0632 5762 (EUR)

Information same for both accounts:

Holder: Ceska zemedelska univerzita v Praze
Holder address: Kamycka 129, 165 00 Praha 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic, EU
Bank: Ceska sporitelna, a.s.
Bank address: Budejovicka 1518/13b, 140 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic, EU
Variable symbol: 211509002

Please clearly indicate your name in the field for Note so we can easily identify who is the payment from.

Invoice or receipt of payment is available on request: Please include an invoice address (and VAT in case the payment is done via institution).