HRAC MoA Classification Update Webinar Training 6th May 2022

Posted on May 13th, 2022 on 19:51:00 by Roland Beffa

Report on the HRAC MoA Classification Update Webinar Training, held on 6th May 2022.

In March 2020, the Global Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC) completed its updates on the herbicide mode of action (MOA) classification system. Changes since the last update in 2010 include the addition of 14 new active ingredients, rationalization of chemical family names, and four new or updated modes of action. With this update, Global HRAC will transition from letter to number mode of action codes. This was done in coordination with the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA) and the Australian organizations in order to agree on one worldwide global herbicide classification instead of the three previous ones.

As the HRAC herbicide mode of action classification is used by researchers, extension specialist and farmers around the globe, the revision of the classification has substantial impact on the daily work of many of us.

With the training course, we explained the rationale behind the update of the HRAC classification and provided an overview of the most important updates. In addition, we discussed the most important impacts of the updated classification on herbicide resistance management in Europe and worldwide.  

The training course was organised in a webinar format. After the presentation of the updated HRAC classification, a discussion session took place mainly related to the impact of the updated classification on weed management and the possible next steps to improve it, in particular regarding the management of non-target-site resistance, especially by detoxification of herbicides.

You can download the presentation HERE.

You can watch the registration of the webinar here:


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