Report on the EWRS Invasive Plants Workshop in Palic, Serbia

Posted on January 13th, 2022 on 16:03:24 by Ahmet Uludag

Future needs for Invasive Plant management have been discussed during the Workshop.

Paliç is a small silent and green town in Serbia close to the Hungarian border, where meetings can be successfully held without many distractions. The number of  attendees was high so as to make the meeting lively. The meeting was attended by a great number of international attendees presenting and discussing both local and global challenges related to invasive plants. Inspired by the 11th Weed Science Congress and Symposium on Herbicides and Growth Regulators (20 - 22 September 2021), the EWRS Invasive Plants WG workshop (23 - 24 September 2021) was very active and productive with its 22 participants (two were online). The abstracts of the presentations and the Palic Report can be downloaded from the 'Documents' page of the IP Working Group here.

The motto of the workshop was 'Our path after Covid-19'. The unexpected pandemic has caused slower life but increased fears for the future. It showed us that agriculture is still a leading activity for human beings whatever the level of progress in technology is. There are many questions rising from the current situation. In the last two years, we moved less and became more dependent upon online life including our daily habits. We believe the weeds and the invasive alien plants will keep their importance in the future. The brainstorming sessions to review the past and to shape the future of our WG ended up as a short Paliç Report, which will be added to the Proceedings of this workshop, along with 10 oral and 6 poster presentations. Furthermore, we hope that all of us as the WG members will prepare an opinion paper on the context of the invasive alien plants and weeds as it was decided in the workshop.

I would like to thank the colleagues for contributing to the Workshop, the EWRS board for their encouragement, Goran Malidza and Milos Rajkoviç for their kind hospitality, and the local organizers of the Workshop who were Bojan Konstantinoviç, Milena Popov, and Tijana Stojanoviç.

Short video on the Workshop and the objectives of the Working Group:


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