Changes in weed flora and staff in Finland

Posted on December 17th, 2023 on 22:00:32 by J Salonen

Results of long-term weed surveys in spring cereals in Finland are now available at Luke's web service.

In Finland, five extensive surveys of weeds in spring cereal fields have been carried out since the 1960s, the  most recent one during 2020-2022 (article available at: Fields under organic production have been monitored since the late 1990s. The weed flora has always been dominated by broad-leaved species but the most recent and marked changes in species composition have dealt with grass species, Elymus repens decreasing and Poa annua increasing in terms of frequency and density in conventional cropping. Weed flora in organic production is observed to be more diverse and stable than in conventional production, Chenopodium album being the most frequent and abundant species.

Results from weed surveys are now presented with graphs and maps at the Natural Resources Information Service (Luonnonvaratieto in Finnish). The open access service provides with a wide range of topics related to monitoring and research work of Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). The service is available at


Fig.: Frequency of occurrence (%) of Elymus repens in spring cereal fields in Finland over decades. Output from Luke´s Luonnonvaratieto service. 

Jukka Salonen has participated in weed surveys since 1984. Additionally, his research topics have focused on weed biology and weed management. Jukka has now retired from Luke after 40 years in service at the agricultural research center in Jokioinen. He has been EWRS member since 1985 and had various administrative functions in the Society. Jukka will stay tuned to EWRS channels and can be reached at Professor Terho Hyvönen ( will be Luke’s key contact person in agro-ecological and weedy issues, including the above-mentioned web service. Terho joined the weed survey team in 1997 and was one of founders of EWRS Working Group ”Weed Mapping” in 2010, currently renamed as ”Weed vegetation and biodiversity”. 

Photo ”Game over”. The last weed survey field monitored by Jukka Salonen located in Jokioinen in 2022.

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