19th EWRS Symposium in Athens, 2022 - videos of single sessions available
Posted on June 12th, 2024 on 16:01:31 by S. Gennai-Schott

Watch the sessions that were held in the main auditorium
We make available some of the sessions that have been recorded in the main auditorium and have been authorized by the presenters. Thank you for sharing!
Invited speaker Prof. Antonis Zampelas, chair of the Hellenic Food Authority: “Food safety including pesticide residues in the broader perspective of public health”
1st Session 1st day: June 20th, 2022
Non-chemical Weed Control 1
Chair: Marleen Riemens and Judith Wirth
Bo Melander: “Advances in mechanical weed control technologies.” KEYNOTE”
Matthias Schumacher: “Facilitation of weed seed predation by living mulch and cover crops.”
Benjamin Klauk: “Experiences in electrophysical vegetation control as substitution for non-selective herbicide-application.”
Barbara Baraibar: “Managing inactive weed propagules – key technologies in sustainable weed management.”
Alicia Rouge: “Carry over effects of cover crop mixtures and management practices on subsequent crops and weeds in no-till.”
Watch on Youtube
We apologize for the sometimes bad or missing audio.
2nd Session 1st day: 20th June 2022
Weed Crop Interaction 1
Chair: Stéphane Cordeau and Barbara Baraibar
3rd session 1st day: 20th June 2022
Weed Genomics and Population genetics
Chair: Maor Matzrafi and Dana MacGregor
Dana MacGregor: ”Bringing Agricultural Weeds into the Molecular Lab.” KEYNOTE
Roland Beffa: “Weed Genomic contribution to unravel herbicide detoxification pathways. A review.”
David Comont: ”Blackgrass genome sequencing reveals complex patterns of evolved non-target site herbicide resistance.”
Esra Cignitas: “Molecular Identification of Phelipanche species from the western Mediterranean region of Türkiye.”
Day 2: 21st June 2022
Invited Speakers
Gael Le Goupil: “Global Herbicide Resistance Action Committee: how the Ag Industry collaborate to tackle the weed resistance challenge.”
Eric Patterson: “The current status of the IWGC as well as applications of weed genomics.”
We apologize for bad or missing audio during the first 10 minutes.
Weed Ecology I and II
Chair: Jonathan Storkey and Michael Schumacher
Stephane Cordeau: “Benefits of a more functionally diverse weed flora and opportunities/barriers to manipulating weed diversity through integrated weed management.” KEYNOTE
Matthias Schumacher/Helen Metcalfe: “Arable Weeds and Management in Europe (AWME): A database of weed survey data from across Europe.”
Alireza Taab: “The role of legume cover crops in the ecological intensification of winter wheat to manage weeds under different soil tillage regime.”
Oystein Stagestad: “Effect of early and late mechanical treatments in autumn on bud growth and long-term control of Sonchus arvensis in spring cereals.”
Malick Sidiki Ouattara: “What ecological traits and functions are important in a crop mixture for effective weed management?rdquo;
Michael Glemnitz: “Weed flora diversification through patch cropping”
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