Visualizing growth of Cirsium arvense (L.) scop.
Posted on September 9th, 2022 on 15:47:17 by Sabine Andert

Watch this animation video on the growth of Cirsium arvense (L.) scop. to understand field infestations dynamics under the impact of various farming practices (conventional and organic)
Moving to an agro-ecological system represents a significant change from the previous cultivation for conventional and organic farmers. The AC/DC-weeds ( project expected that an animation video as innovative method of visualizing field infestations under the impact of various methods will improve interest and up-take of agro-ecological management methods by stakeholders.
The video will be an excellent communication and learning instrument for participatory involvement of stakeholders. National captions (French, Norwegian, Finnish and German) are available.
The research project "AC/DC-weeds- Applying and Combining Disturbance and Competition for an agro-ecological management of creeping perennial weeds" was funded by ERA-Net Cofund Sus-Crop/EU Horizon 2020. Its partners include University of Rostock (Germany), Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (Norway), Natural Resources Institute Finland (Finland), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), INRA - AGroecologies, Innovations & Ruralities and INRA Environment and Agronomy (France).
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